Sule Pagoda - Yangon, Myanmar
Sule Pagoda – Yangon, Myanmar

Sule Pagoda is a typical dome-shaped structure or stupa, found in the neighbouring countries of Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. The main Pagoda, a golden octagonal bell shape, is surrounded by minor stupas, bronze bells, and shrines containing Buddha images. Located in the center of Yangon and represent as a landmark. Surrounded by busy streets, markets and colonial era buildings like the Yangon City Hall, church and Supreme court.


According to the legend this pagoda was built during the lifetime of the Gautama Buddha, about 2500 years ago. Over the years it has been renovated and expanded from it’s original smaller size by different kings.

At Sule Pagoda the spirit used to live once upon a time.
At Sule Pagoda the spirit used to live once upon a time.

The Sule Pagoda is named after Sularata, the Sule Nat the spirit who lived at the location where the pagoda now stands. The golden southern burmese style pagoda measures 44 meters high. There are eight Buddha images representing each day of the week


Walking along the circular path, I saw the shrines up close, my local friends paid homage to their birthday Buddha, I also followed them by sticking few golden stickers to the Buddha that represent the day I was born. I saw many locals were also praying around the octagonal Stupa, lightening up incense, bringing offerings flowers, fruits, poring water on the top of the statue and dropping few money in the donation box. Over all the environment inside reminded me that it’s a spiritual and peaceful place and unique to Myanmar and the pagoda is highly respected because it contains a hair relic of the Buddha.

Burmese devote bringing offerings to the holy place!
Burmese devote bringing offerings to the holy place!